full time

DevOps Engineer (Bangkok)

Senior / Middle
Role overview

·       Design and build DevOps process to enable automate implementation in software development


·       Selecting and deploying appropriate CI/CD tools

·       Incidence management and root cause analysis

·       Setting up tools and required infrastructure

·       Implementing various development, testing, automation tools, and IT infrastructure

·       Have the technical skill to review, verify, and validate the software code developed in the project.

·       Work alongside with Development to successfully release software.


·       Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, IT, or related fields

·       Excellent communication skills able to work in a multi-discipline team

·       Awareness of critical concepts in DevOps and Agile principles

·       Well-organized person

·       Able to work well under pressure and high responsibilities

·       Can do attitude

·       3 years up for Senior Level with experiences in leading team or having subordinates

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