Starting with there’s no data of end-consumer, which is considered as their rare treasure, PRIMO helps in aspect of developing data collection. We create LINE OA, Thai popular channel platform, for getting to know customer more. In LINE OA, the marketer can collect data of each customer: who they are, where they live and their drinking behavior via Lucky Draw Program. The customer drinks and fills number under the bottle cap, then receives privilege to competing for reward.
Next, the collected data is developed to Campaign Management and Coupon Management. The marketer can set Automation Rule via our system for engaging customer to more drinking, for example drinking 5 days in a row receives coupon or special price for next buying, etc.
Moreover, the omnichannel marketing can be furthered to other forms. Due to Carabao is indirectly to end consumers; they sell product directly to merchant and agent. PRIMO develops LINE Merchant which is a channel that the merchant and agent can check customer’s coupon as the customer can receive privilege immediately there.
PRIMO system collects merchant’s data which Carabao can track how much of their product distribution.